Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thanks for not giving up on me. Gosh, I really need to blog but I have been so "not with it" lately. We had to put Saydeedog down last Wednesday and that didn't help matters. She has been part of the family for ten years. Really difficult to let go, even tho we know that we will see her on the other side.

Then Coyote has been begging me to go shooting with him on Thurs nights for the .22 pistol shoot. They use the indoor range for this shoot. Which is really good when the weather get's down in the minuses, but..... I went and the gun powder residue, the odor/fumes/smoke has started my Reactive Airway Disease. So now, I am really under it. My chest/ribs are so sore and I don't do anything but cough that deep bronchial cough, ugh.....headache...can we say pleurosy? My ribs and chest feel like they are caving in on me and I'm not going to be able to breathe. I have to sleep sitting up so i can catch my breath.....this stuff is down right mean. Not only do I not get to go shooting...I have to suffer pain, lack of sleep and being sick. This just doesn't seem sensible to me. And, totally unfair! I love to shoot....
We had a great time shooting together, just like old times, but then I get this stupid stuff. I just have to learn to live with it, after all, the alternative is not a least not right now!.....laughing....Even if I did lousy, it was fun. I did a no no.....I shot my timed fire and rapid fire both on the same target. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? It not only means I lost 100 points right off the top. It means that all 20 shots were counted and only the lowest 10 shots count for the about your double penalty....sure glad it happened the first night, so I didn't look totally dufus. Of course, my first night may turnout to be my last night...

I got asked today to come and join the quilter's guild here in I want to do that? I don't think so...I just bought a new 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle to work on to relieve some stress. Cwap, I haven't even got all the border pieces separated...sheesh! Don't you get really upset one someone says to you that we all have 24 hours in the day and how we use them is up to us...NOT!!...haven't the ever heard of EMERGENCIES, or ran out of mik and hubby has to have milk for chips to go with the guacamole...I mean there are a lot of things that don't "fit" into 24 the next time you hear someone with that trite little statement, you have my permission to clobber the heck out of them!

Awwwww, to my last and favorite's getting close to O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A Time,,,YEAH!!!!!
We leave the 28th and get home on the 3rd.....Look out Tulsa, Joplin and cabela' we come. Oh, yes, and the boys are going atving.....and to the gun show, peweeee, I used to like the gun shows, but now they smell like dirty ashtrays.....but that's ok, more shopping time for us,...hehehe YES!!!!!!!!!!!

On an up note, my meds seem to be working out really well. I have been able to be clean and organize and really get moving. So, I'm excited about that! I go Tues to see the doc and get my prognosis....hopefully he will leave me where I am, but the dose I am taking is not even up to the therapeutic dose, so I hope LIps, the midget and robert can put up with me swinging from the ceiling fans.....

Well, I was naughty, I caved.....I went to the quilt shop and started the Rambling rose "block of the month" club. I love log cabin and the colors (even tho there is yellow in it) are great. I really like the patterns in the fabric. I just can't travel to Greybull that well, and I hate doing things by myself. I think that stems from my baggage as a child. I was alone so much. It didn't bother me at the time, because, you know kids, they are invincible. Well, that invincibility has escaped and left me here to deal with it. My dad died when I was 5 and I was there, watching the whole thing. Then, for the next five years, mom worked two jobs and I was in school. She would work at the school while I was there and then come home with me for a few hours, then go to work at Sears, Valley Plaza (CA). She would get off at 10pm and I would leave the house and walk down the dark alley to meet her. Something what you do, when you have to. Thank heaven the world was a little safer then. We had no money, mom couldn't afford a "babysitter" so I was alone a whole lot. You know, I never really put that together until just, see what I mean, my new meds are really kicking in.....

I've also revived my hobby of Rubber stamping. nOw, I realize this could get out of hand, but I am trying to keep a lid on it. I'm having a party maybe the 16th of April if I can ever get this chick to land so I can talk to her. Anyway, I'm excited about making greeting cards....and adding to my stampbooking supplies.

It's getting late, and I should turn in so I can sleep this nausea away. Hope you all had a great Sunday.
Good night, me